Agents' Selections

Sole Agent Properties

Featured Hong Kong Properties


Josephine Cheung

Josephine Cheung's client say:

That's good to hear she is happy at her new home - thank you for your great work finding a good tenant.

Mr Wong


May Lee

May Lee's client say:

May has been super helpful and is the best agent I have had in Hong Kong in the last 14 years.

Carol Cao

Juhi Schmidl

Juhi Schmidl's client say:

Juhi is a passionate lady working tirelessly on behalf of the her clients to get them the right property according to their tastes and budget. She is pro-active and importantly for me friendly and approachable in her style. I have no hesitation in recommending her.

Azim Mithani, Senior Insurance Executive

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The above rental or sale information is provided by the hong kong property agency Proway Relocation & Real Estate Services Ltd. (C-033118) or its sister companies, a premier real estate agent specializing in realty, residential property for rent and sale in Hong Kong. Looking to find short-term or long-term leases, rent a flat, buy a flat, or list property in Hong Kong? Please call us at +852 2866 0130.

Rental Incl.: Rental including management fee and government rate; SF: Square feet; SA: Saleable area; GA: Gross area;