





Also will be referring all newcomers in HK finance to you!

Varun Nayyar

Segantii Capital Management Limited



Very helpful and comprehensive in the assessment of the situation and pragmatic in the approach for a fair resolution. Thank you!

Lambda Son Li Wai Lim

Juhi Schmidl

Juhi Schmidl的客戶表示:

Juhi has helped us find our beautiful homes, not once but twice and she is very experienced in what she is doing. The one thing that stand out the most from other agents is her knowledge, the knowledge about the building, the landlord, the management, the area, basically everything you want to know, her research is extremely thorough. She get to know her clients and what they are looking for and its her main priority to find the perfect home for them. She is never about just opening doors to future homes but all about giving you the RIGHT place to build your home! She is the agent to contact if you want to find that close-to-perfect home you are looking for.

Janne Poulsen, Owner and Designer

Janne Poulsen Jewellery


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租金全包:包括管理費、差餉; 實:實用面積; 建:建築面積; 單位面積的"尺":平方尺