





May has been super helpful and is the best agent I have had in Hong Kong in the last 14 years.

Carol Cao

Annemay Harnett

Annemay Harnett的客戶表示:

Annemay has demonstrated to be a professional property consultant consistently in my property purchase and a separate rental. Her understanding of the markets, her reach into the database and reading of my needs have helped me land on effective property solutions not just when the deals were completed. Her advice on pre-transaction preparation and post-transaction follow up have made her service highly valued by clients that follow her through the years.

Vienna Yick



May Lee is an extremely efficient and well-natured property agent. She happily and patiently did site visits with me to around 50+ apartments both in Hong Kong Island & Kowloon, until we found one in Victoria Towers, Kowloon that perfectly ticked all our requirement boxes. We stayed in touch and she has even been extremely helpful when we were stranded out of HK due to COVID, unable to return and had to do a 'remote-vacating'.

Renu Jha & Mohit Jain


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