浪琴園 - 第01座 Pacific View - Block 01

基本資料 | 高層住宅 |
落成年份 | 1990(樓齡 35 年) |
發展商 | Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited 新鴻基地產 |
會所設施 | 健美操練習室, 美式桌球, 咖啡館, 舞蹈室, 健身室, 室內游泳池, 室外游泳池, 壁球場, 網球場 |
兒童設施 | 兒童遊樂場, 室內遊樂區 |
交通 | 交通穿梭巴士 |
Bounded by the country park and surrounded by the long seashore, Stanley offers low density relaxing country living environment with a seaside Mediterranean feel. Homes are mainly lowrise apartments and town houses of smaller scale housing projects
Juhi Schmidl的客戶表示:
Juhi had helped us a few years back when we were just moving to HK. She is very professional in her approach and goes the extra mile to help you when you moving into a new city. Would recommend Juhi to anybody looking for help when relocating.
Tejas Khara, HK Based Finance Professional
Juhi Schmidl的客戶表示:
I worked with many properties agent and so far Juhi is the most professional one, she know what the Tenant and Landlord needs, she has all information well prepared that helps to close the deal very fast and smoothly.
Camke Development Ltd - Landlord
Juhi Schmidl的客戶表示:
Juhi took care to address all my requirements in terms of features and amenities that I was looking for in a rental apartment. She helped me negotiate the best possible deal with the landlord, going through several rounds on her own initiative, and went the extra mile to ensure that I was all set to move in without any hassle. If anyone wants to ensure a smooth and rewarding experience when looking for a great place to live, they should definitely get in touch with Juhi!
Jay Jhaveri
Entrepreneur and music producer