





Your agent Teresa C.K. Chu has been outstanding in assisting us to find accommodation. She's on time, courteous, knows here subject matter well and gets things done quickly. We would recommend her services anytime.

Leon Martin Justin Mare

Calvin Lee

Calvin Lee的客戶表示:

I have had the pleasure of dealing with Calvin during my time in trying to find a property. I like many in Hong Kong, have a busy schedule and Calvin appreciated this and worked with me to find time around my schedule. Very accommodating, helpful and understanding.

Andrew Schwanethal



We worked with Margaret May P.Y. Lee to find a flat in Wanchai. She was professional, courteous and effective. On Monday, Margaret identified two apartments that met our requirements perfectly and arranged viewing of the flats without delay. Two days later, we finalized a contract for one of the apartments. The process was so smooth and fast, thanks to Margaret. I would highly recommend her to friends.

Linda Biek


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租金全包:包括管理費、差餉; 實:實用面積; 建:建築面積; 單位面積的"尺":平方尺