Juhi Schmidl的客戶表示:
Juhi's knowledge of pricing and availability in the HK property market is excellent, and was essential in helping me to secure a great apartment at a great price.
Matthew Cross
Yvonne Lee的客戶表示:
By far the most helpful agent i've used over 13 years of living in HK. Can't recommend Yvonne more highly.
Aaron Davis
Juhi Schmidl的客戶表示:
Juhi is a real pleasure to deal with: she's a go-getter, thorough, responsive, and thoughtful. Whether you're a tenant, buyer, or landlord, you're in good hands!
Raoul Preller
上述住宅楼盘出租或放售资讯是由香港地产代理及房地产中介Proway Relocation & Real Estate Services Ltd. (C-033118)提供,想揾楼,租楼或买楼?请即致电 +852 2866 0130 联络我们专业的地产代理。
租金全包:包括管理费、差饷; 实:实用面积; 建:建筑面积; 单位面积的"尺":平方尺